Joseph Ducreux

Salutations. We just had our first encounter, and this idea may be like those of the mentally unstable However, I will proceed to inform you of my digits, so perhaps there is a fair chance that you will contact me

Salutations. We just had our first encounter, and this idea may be like those of the mentally unstable However, I will proceed to inform you of my digits, so perhaps there is a fair chance that you will contact me    Joseph Ducreux

had not it been for joseph of the cotton oculars, many a fortnight would hath eventuated betwixt the transpiring of my matrimony and the present from what land dost thou hail? wilt thou disclose the destination to which thou hast embarked? i beg the expos

had not it been for joseph of the cotton oculars, many a fortnight would hath eventuated betwixt the transpiring of my matrimony and the present from what land dost thou hail? wilt thou disclose the destination to which thou hast embarked? i beg the expos  Joseph Ducreux

Doth that me mine friend gooby? Nay! Tis actually Dolan duck!

Doth that me mine friend gooby? Nay! Tis actually Dolan duck!  Joseph Ducreux

Pirouette, fornicator, pirouette! for you see, my good sir, I was at no point having of an opportunity

Pirouette, fornicator, pirouette! for you see, my good sir, I was at no point having of an opportunity  Joseph Ducreux

lewd minx

lewd minx  Joseph Ducreux

hast thou not heard? Legal tender preponderates all things in my vicinity.

hast thou not heard? Legal tender preponderates all things in my vicinity.  Joseph Ducreux

Rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump DESIST! Now force that maternal fornicator to observe the hours as a mallet would.

Rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump rump DESIST! Now force that maternal fornicator to observe the hours as a mallet would.  Joseph Ducreux

Thinks roomie stole the last budd last night Finds it in his cigarette-pack first thing in the morning, am the only one awake

Thinks roomie stole the last budd last night Finds it in his cigarette-pack first thing in the morning, am the only one awake  Joseph Ducreux

Oh... So you're the real slim shady?

Oh... So you're the real slim shady?  Joseph Ducreux

unseat the extremities of thy torso in the skywardth direction thusly should you yourself be a lothario of genuine article

unseat the extremities of thy torso in the skywardth direction thusly should you yourself be a lothario of genuine article  Joseph Ducreux
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