Joker Mind Loss

kid peeing in the bushes and nobody bats an eye grown man peeing in the bushes and everyone loses their minds

kid peeing in the bushes and nobody bats an eye grown man peeing in the bushes and everyone loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

mesrob comes to the art class AND EVERYBODY LOSES THeir minds!

mesrob comes to the art class AND EVERYBODY LOSES THeir minds!  Joker Mind Loss

Say you drink alcohol and nobody bats an eye but mention you partake in smoking cannabis and everybody loses their minds

Say you drink alcohol and nobody bats an eye but mention you partake in smoking cannabis and everybody loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

pitch a super fastball and no one bats an eye hide everyone's brains and everyone loses their minds

pitch a super fastball and no one bats an eye hide everyone's brains and everyone loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

A girl cosplaying a male character and no one bats an eye A guy cosplaying a female character and everybody loses their mind

A girl cosplaying a male character and no one bats an eye A guy cosplaying a female character and everybody loses their mind  Joker Mind Loss

drink vodka and nobody bats an eye smoke weed and everyone loses their minds

drink vodka and nobody bats an eye smoke weed and everyone loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

Tell people that developers have access to the databases, servers, and processes that control the entire company, nobody panics Tell people that developers can self organize and take on work at their own pace, and everyone loses their minds

Tell people that developers have access to the databases, servers, and processes that control the entire company, nobody panics Tell people that developers can self organize and take on work at their own pace, and everyone loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

Have "all of the above" or "none of the above" as possible answers and no one bats an eye but have them both as possible answers to one question and everyone loses their minds


Say you drink alcohol everyday and nobody bats an eye. Say you smoke weed everyday and everybody loses their minds.

Say you drink alcohol everyday and nobody bats an eye. Say you smoke weed everyday and everybody loses their minds.  Joker Mind Loss

Wear shorts at home and no one bats an eye Wear sleeping shorts and everyone loses their minds

Wear shorts at home and no one bats an eye Wear sleeping shorts and everyone loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss
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