Joker Mind Loss

The topic of military comes up and suddenly everyone is an expert

The topic of military comes up and suddenly everyone is an expert  Joker Mind Loss

The Rangers' season ends AND EVERYBODY LOSES THeir Minds

The Rangers' season ends AND EVERYBODY LOSES THeir Minds  Joker Mind Loss

Tell a girl you want to eat her pussy and no one bats an eye Tell a girl you want to eat her ass AND EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS

Tell a girl you want to eat her pussy and no one bats an eye Tell a girl you want to eat her ass AND EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS  Joker Mind Loss

shirtless guy works out on a horizontal pole and nobody bats an eye fully clothed girl works out on a vertical pole and everybody loses their minds

shirtless guy works out on a horizontal pole and nobody bats an eye fully clothed girl works out on a vertical pole and everybody loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

Tell people the PP exam is open-book And everyone looses their minds

Tell people the PP exam is open-book And everyone looses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

In the north, it snows, and no one panics. because it's all, part of the plan. When it snows anywhere else, everybody loses their minds

In the north, it snows, and no one panics. because it's all, part of the plan. When it snows anywhere else,  everybody loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

Introduce a little precipitation. AND EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS

Introduce a little precipitation. AND EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS  Joker Mind Loss

beef,fatal,dude,elias,thomas, coucs hard carries a game and goes legendary But when Melanthios does it EVERYBODY LOSES THeir minds!

beef,fatal,dude,elias,thomas, coucs hard  carries a game and goes legendary But when Melanthios does it EVERYBODY LOSES THeir minds!  Joker Mind Loss

create a smarthpone that is always online equipped with a camera and a microphone and no one bats an eye do the same with a console and everyone loses their minds

create a smarthpone that is always online equipped with a camera and a microphone and no one bats an eye do the same with a console and everyone loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

haz cambios en blazblue y a nadie le molestan haz cambios en guilty gear y todos pierden la cabeza

haz cambios en blazblue y 
a nadie le molestan haz cambios en guilty gear y
todos pierden la cabeza  Joker Mind Loss
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