Jim Kramer with updated ticker

buy grumpy cat now sell all your dog memes

buy grumpy cat now sell all your dog memes  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Misuse of the "I should buy a boat" cat is on the rise Post pretty much anything and reap the benefits

Misuse of the

Advice Animals is embracing confession bear Move your memes to /r/memes

Advice Animals is embracing confession bear Move your memes to /r/memes  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Karma stocks are up on jokes about fat people and overgrown dogs sitting on peoples laps

Karma stocks are up on jokes about fat people and overgrown dogs sitting on peoples laps  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Get ready to move all your karma! Big bird memes are about to explode

Get ready to move all your karma! Big bird memes are about to explode  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

recreations of old photos on the rise convince your family now

recreations of old photos on the rise convince your family now  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

sloth karma slowly climbing!

sloth karma slowly climbing!   Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Bioshock memes are a thing of the past Make way for Late '80s embarrassment photos!

Bioshock memes are a thing of the past Make way for Late '80s embarrassment photos!  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

QUICK invest your karma on I'm kind of a big deal spongEbob Before it gets over used

QUICK invest your karma on I'm kind of a big deal spongEbob Before it gets over used  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Sell all anti Super Bowl posts Heavy buy on the power outage

Sell all anti Super Bowl posts Heavy buy on the power outage  Jim Kramer with updated ticker
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