Jim Kramer with updated ticker

scumbag fat girls completely forgotten gorillas blowing up

scumbag fat girls completely forgotten  gorillas blowing up  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

SCUMBAG Parents ON THE Decline post positive parent memes now!

SCUMBAG Parents ON THE Decline post positive parent memes now!  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

fat scumbags are out invest in curiosity rover futures

fat scumbags are out invest in curiosity rover futures  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

dump scumbag parents buy good guy parents

dump scumbag parents buy good guy parents  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

College has begun! Dump all your karma into College Freshman futures!

College has begun! Dump all your karma into College Freshman futures!  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Someone interesting does AMA Reinvest in GG ama memes!

Someone interesting does AMA Reinvest in GG ama memes!  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

high schoolers upload your lunches cafeteria food is karma gold right now

high schoolers upload your lunches cafeteria food is karma gold right now  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Superbowl posts are on a decline move all your karma into forever alone and success kid valentines day memes

Superbowl posts are on a decline move all your karma into forever alone and success kid valentines day memes  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Viggo explains is depreciating in karma invest in scumbag dog and suburban Hardass

Viggo explains is depreciating in karma invest in scumbag dog and suburban Hardass  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Vladimir Putin is hot! Move your karma to him walking away from explosions

Vladimir Putin is hot! Move your karma to him walking away from explosions  Jim Kramer with updated ticker
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