Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Upcoming trend: accuse an inanimate object of drunkenness Change your titles before it's too late!

Upcoming trend: accuse an inanimate object of drunkenness Change your titles before it's too late!  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Drop All Your Overly Attached girlfriends drunk baby is on the rise

Drop All Your Overly Attached girlfriends drunk baby is on the rise  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

obama broke reddit Reinvest all karma in presidential memes and screenshots

obama broke reddit Reinvest all karma in presidential memes and screenshots   Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Secret Passages no longer a secret Move your karma to FBI's Most Wanted NOW

Secret Passages no longer a secret Move your karma to FBI's Most Wanted NOW  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

grumpy cat has jumped the shark Move your karma to... hell, anything else. please.

grumpy cat has jumped the shark Move your karma to... hell, anything else. please.  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

School is starting and Everyone's splitting up for college move your karma to rebound girlfriend!

School is starting and Everyone's splitting up for college move your karma to rebound girlfriend!  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

forget about the notre dame and alabama football teams and the actual game invest in Aj mccarron's girlfriend

forget about the notre dame and alabama football teams and the actual game invest in Aj mccarron's girlfriend  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

Invest in our youth drunk baby will pay off big time!

Invest in our youth drunk baby will pay off
big time!  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

the Karma train is leaving the station stop what you're doing and make a shelf

the Karma train is leaving the station stop what you're doing and make a shelf  Jim Kramer with updated ticker

December 21st is here Invest in end of the world posts before the end of the world

December 21st is here Invest in end of the world posts before the end of the world  Jim Kramer with updated ticker
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