JJ Jameson

tu penses qu'un jour tu verra la nouvelle bibliotheque de stan? OUII je l'espere de tout mon coeur elle est prevu pour 2090 AHAHAHAHAHA

tu penses qu'un jour tu verra la nouvelle bibliotheque de stan? OUII je l'espere de tout mon coeur elle est prevu pour 2090 AHAHAHAHAHA  JJ Jameson

The name of the softball team is Step Dad's. Why? When no one on the team is a step dad. Because we beat you and you hate us for it

The name of the softball team is Step Dad's. Why? When no one on the team is a step dad. Because we beat you and you hate us for it   JJ Jameson

Wanna hear a lame joke? Not really Chuck Norris crosses black cats

Wanna hear a lame joke? Not really Chuck Norris crosses black cats   JJ Jameson

I heard you farted at the company picnic in the park

I heard you farted at the company picnic in the park     JJ Jameson

Why does Ganondorf hate the Internet? Why? Too many Links

Why does Ganondorf hate the Internet? Why? Too many Links   JJ Jameson

Since you take all those pics of spidey I wonder if you can get him to go green I dont think spiderman would listen to just one person's oppinion Hm, Challenge ACcepted!

Since you take all those pics of spidey I wonder if you can get him to go green I dont think spiderman would listen to just one person's oppinion Hm, Challenge ACcepted!   JJ Jameson

So i went to per order battlefield 3 and he didnt know what battlefield 3 is... wow... Than he had the balls to ask me if i would like to pre order Modern warfare 3

So i went to per order battlefield 3 and he didnt know what battlefield 3 is... wow... Than he had the balls to ask me if i would like to pre order Modern warfare 3   JJ Jameson

what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs who lays across your front doorstep? I don't know matt

what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs who lays across your front doorstep? I don't know matt   JJ Jameson

Knock knock... Who's there? The end of your spider man career...

Knock knock... Who's there? The end of your spider man career...   JJ Jameson

auzi, tu lucrezi cumva la cfr? nu, de ce? ca ai o fata de impins vagoane

auzi, tu lucrezi cumva la cfr? nu, de ce? ca ai o fata de impins vagoane   JJ Jameson
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