Ive Made a Huge Mistake

I added my parents to the "friends" contacts

I added my parents to the

I've made a huge mistake

I've made a huge mistake   Ive Made a Huge Mistake

Congrat-- I've made a huge mistake

Congrat-- I've made a huge mistake  Ive Made a Huge Mistake

I broke a little glass, got a little nail, and bought a "needle" from Harry Anderson SleazO The cKlown is in the audience

I broke a little glass, got a little nail, and bought a

ask reddit to help me to kill boromir meme lose a ton of Karma points

ask reddit to help me to kill boromir  meme lose a ton of Karma points  Ive Made a Huge Mistake

arrives to class late brings note from his mom

arrives to class late brings note from his mom  Ive Made a Huge Mistake

Baby... I can explain!

Baby... I can explain!  Ive Made a Huge Mistake

I bought a Mac

 I bought a Mac  Ive Made a Huge Mistake

Hot girl texts, i reply no response for 8 minutes and counting

Hot girl texts, i reply no response for 8 minutes and counting  Ive Made a Huge Mistake

said "marry me!" She didn't get the reference

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