Its a Grey Area

Killing your best friend to get the last candy bar? It's a grey area

Killing your best friend to get the last candy bar? It's a grey area  Its a Grey Area

Convincing your friend to make out with Snooki? It's a grey area

Convincing your friend to make out with Snooki? It's a grey area  Its a Grey Area

Pumping chloroform into your house and moving the furniture around every night until you go mad? It's a grey area

Pumping chloroform into your house and moving the furniture around every night until you go mad? It's a grey area  Its a Grey Area

Substituting rat poison for sugar because you're out of sugar and dead people can't complain anyway? It's a grey area

Substituting rat poison for sugar because you're out of sugar and dead people can't complain anyway?  It's a grey area  Its a Grey Area

Killing your family and replacing them with look-alikes that tell you that you're remembering your entire life wrong? It's a grey area

Killing your family and replacing them with look-alikes that tell you that you're remembering your entire life wrong? It's a grey area  Its a Grey Area

Taking over the free world via a series of subliminal messages because the world can't be left to take care of itself? It's a grey area

Taking over the free world via a series of subliminal messages because the world can't be left to take care of itself? It's a grey area  Its a Grey Area
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