Insanity Wolf

unterrupt comic reading they should choke in their own blood

unterrupt comic reading they should choke in their own blood  Insanity Wolf

nightmare Wakes up hard

nightmare Wakes up hard  Insanity Wolf

shit blood for a week eat more hotsauce

shit blood for a week eat more hotsauce
  Insanity Wolf

Get's Tetanus Shot Takes it in the eye

Get's Tetanus Shot Takes it in the eye  Insanity Wolf

Shits pants meant to

Shits pants  meant to  Insanity Wolf

Walk past a hot girl Turn around and stare

Walk past a hot girl Turn around and stare  Insanity Wolf

Only Middle urinal left take it

Only Middle urinal left take it  Insanity Wolf

Meets the boy who cried wolf RapeS him

Meets the 
boy who cried wolf RapeS him  Insanity Wolf

Would you like to cut the umbilical cord? drop scalpel, use teeth

Would you like to cut the umbilical cord? drop scalpel, use teeth  Insanity Wolf

make a shelveset go on vacation

make a shelveset go on vacation  Insanity Wolf
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