Insanity Wolf

WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS CODE ROLL Sends wrong file to datacenter

WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS CODE ROLL Sends wrong file to datacenter  Insanity Wolf

world of warcraft doesn't start up smash computer on the ground

world of warcraft doesn't start up smash computer on the ground  Insanity Wolf

Run into Bear Grylls show's cancelled

Run into Bear Grylls show's cancelled  Insanity Wolf

Out of milk for cereal Use red bull

Out of milk for cereal  Use red bull  Insanity Wolf

out of ammo melt the fuckers with cum

out of ammo melt the fuckers with cum  Insanity Wolf

Girlfriend has yest infection Time to brew some beer

Girlfriend has yest infection Time to brew some beer  Insanity Wolf

Feel Dirty? Drink BLEACH!

Feel Dirty? Drink BLEACH!  Insanity Wolf

You don't need to hide my friend I'm just like you

You don't need to hide my friend I'm just like you  Insanity Wolf

get denied access to movie theatre fuck up their bathroom

get denied access to  movie theatre fuck up their bathroom  Insanity Wolf

Interrupts Kanye WEst

Interrupts Kanye WEst  Insanity Wolf
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