Insanity Wolf

Wonders whether electric fence is live Tests with balls

Wonders whether electric fence is live Tests with balls  Insanity Wolf

tired of snobby college girls visits pre-school

tired of snobby college girls visits pre-school  Insanity Wolf

Uses masterball on a Rattata

Uses masterball on a Rattata  Insanity Wolf

Picking up chicks at lesbian bar? Simple as playing the mating game with rape cheat codes!

Picking up chicks at lesbian bar? Simple as playing the mating game with rape cheat codes!  Insanity Wolf

Buy eye-safe shampoo Test on children

Buy eye-safe shampoo Test on children  Insanity Wolf

Wants to lose weight Cuts off love handles

Wants to lose weight Cuts off love handles  Insanity Wolf

Oh trust me, she swallows After she bites it off

Oh trust me, she swallows After she bites it off  Insanity Wolf

Gain weight from quitting smoking? Cook some meth

Gain weight from quitting smoking? Cook some meth  Insanity Wolf

kill them all of them

kill them all of them  Insanity Wolf

Itch your balls then don't sniff

Itch your balls then don't sniff  Insanity Wolf
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