Insanity Wolf

Waits for santa rapes the reindeer

Waits for santa  rapes the reindeer  Insanity Wolf

realizes hes gone soft smashes dick with sledgehammer to get blood flowing

realizes hes gone soft smashes dick with sledgehammer to get blood flowing  Insanity Wolf

3 guys 1 hammer fap fap fap

3 guys 1 hammer fap fap fap  Insanity Wolf

submit a post Immediately remove the starting upvote

submit a post Immediately remove the starting upvote  Insanity Wolf

Pay for fountain drink FILL CUP WITH WATER

Pay for fountain drink FILL CUP WITH WATER  Insanity Wolf

turn shower on get in without testing the water first

turn shower on get in without testing the water first  Insanity Wolf

Tac officer walks in on you masterbating look him in the eye and finish, like a boss

Tac officer walks in on you 
masterbating look him in the eye and 
finish, like a boss  Insanity Wolf

Paid day off words with friends all day

Paid day off words with friends all day  Insanity Wolf

cards against humanity IRL

cards against humanity IRL  Insanity Wolf

flat broke approaching toll booth Shoot the attendant in the face!

flat broke approaching toll booth Shoot the attendant in the face!  Insanity Wolf
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