Insanity Wolf

Rusty razor perfect

Rusty razor perfect  Insanity Wolf

Feed children Lucky Charms now they're magically delicious

Feed children Lucky Charms now they're magically delicious  Insanity Wolf

parents catch you masturbating look them in the eye and finish like a boss

parents catch you 
masturbating look them in the eye and 
finish like a boss  Insanity Wolf


Eats a banana MAKES FULL EYE CONTACT  Insanity Wolf

Boss cancels casual friday? Make casualties friday

Boss cancels casual friday?  Make casualties friday  Insanity Wolf

Girl breaks your heart? tear hers out!

Girl breaks your heart? tear hers out!  Insanity Wolf

Starving children? Hunger Games

Starving children? Hunger Games  Insanity Wolf

Graduated westwood rejoined for kicks

Graduated westwood rejoined for kicks  Insanity Wolf

Is that Justin Bieber? KILL IT WITH FIRE!

Is that Justin Bieber? KILL IT WITH FIRE!  Insanity Wolf

gets into car that has been sitting in the sun all day cranks the heat

gets into car that has been sitting in the sun all day cranks the heat  Insanity Wolf
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