Insanity Wolf

Finals week Starts playing world of warcraft

Finals week Starts playing world of warcraft  Insanity Wolf

First Date With Hot Latina Girl Put dick in a taco shell and present it to her

First Date With Hot Latina Girl Put dick in a taco shell and present it to her  Insanity Wolf

I will make you bleed From your rectum

I will make you bleed From your rectum  Insanity Wolf

I Like Pie

I Like Pie  Insanity Wolf

Kill a man Thirst Quenched

Kill a man Thirst Quenched  Insanity Wolf

Your boss catches you masterbating at your desk look them in the eye and finish, like you're their boss

Your boss catches you 
masterbating at your desk look them in the eye and 
finish, like you're their boss  Insanity Wolf

some may think im a vicous beast but i am a sea lion

some may think im a vicous beast but i am a sea lion  Insanity Wolf

rarrrrgh grrrrr

rarrrrgh grrrrr  Insanity Wolf

you call that a penis? then you should suck mine

you call that a penis? then you should suck mine  Insanity Wolf

Roses are red, violets are blue I hope you get ran over by a lawnmower on the bunny setting

Roses are red, violets are blue I hope you get ran over by a lawnmower on the bunny setting  Insanity Wolf
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