
Dude, Omegle is great for trolling! Wats trolling?

Dude, Omegle is great for trolling! Wats trolling?   Inception

Jeg maa lige spoerge anmelder. Har du spist soem? Hovedparten af alle anmeldere giver filmen lunkne anmeldelser.

Jeg maa lige spoerge anmelder.

Har du spist soem? Hovedparten af alle anmeldere giver filmen lunkne anmeldelser.   Inception

Did you tell the RA on duty there's a party in san miguel tonight? Yes it's your floor.

Did you tell the RA on duty there's a party in san miguel tonight? Yes it's your floor.   Inception

Cho'Gath vs Warwick Ja wint Cho'Gath easyyyy.

Cho'Gath vs Warwick Ja wint Cho'Gath easyyyy.  Inception

what did you get on mr. parker's test? An A+ why?

what did you get on mr. parker's test? An A+ why?  Inception

We just had a new group of foreign exchange students visit damien What did they look like?

We just had a new group of foreign exchange students  visit damien What did they look like?   Inception

What if i told you karmanaut and shitty_watercolour were the same person? I don't know how to use this meme.

What if i told you karmanaut and shitty_watercolour were the same person? I don't know how to use this meme.  Inception

you've had a month to think of a dci shoot. What'd you come up with? A boyfriend/girlfriend love story.

you've had a month to think of a dci shoot. What'd you come up with? A boyfriend/girlfriend love story.   Inception

Hay Raza, word on the street is you suck Zahid Kahloon's dick for protein, Is that true yaar? Whenevr I'm hungryy

Hay Raza, word on the street is you suck Zahid Kahloon's dick for protein, Is that true yaar? Whenevr I'm hungryy   Inception

Name a better show than archer any show

Name a better show than archer any show  Inception
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