
i am going to win an oscar for this movie in your dreams

i am going to win an oscar for this movie in your dreams  Inception

gio suck my dick! no alvin suck mine.

gio suck my dick! no alvin suck mine.   Inception

Scarecrow, these hallucinogenic drugs you sold me are scaring off all my customers. I told you my compound would take you places...I never said they'd be places you wanted to go

Scarecrow, these hallucinogenic drugs you sold me are scaring off all my customers. I told you my compound would take you places...I never said they'd be places you wanted to go  Inception

Have you seen our anatomy professor? No, what does he look like?

Have you seen our anatomy professor? No, what does he look like?   Inception

i heard you had a nice first date? yeah it was awesome, we went for a drive!!

i heard you had a nice first date? yeah it was awesome, we went for a drive!!   Inception

Paul Scholes is world class. It will be difficult to replace him. Perhaps Michael Carrick can fill the void?

Paul Scholes is world class. It will be difficult to replace him. Perhaps Michael Carrick can fill the void?  Inception

Have u ever seen patchy the pirate? no What does he look like?

Have u ever seen patchy the pirate? no What does he look like?   Inception

. . . . . You blinked. I win.

. . . . . You blinked. I win.  Inception

so we've signed this park guy to replace Bendtner what does he look like?

so we've signed this park guy to replace Bendtner what does he look like?  Inception

Did you know the captain of the Titanic had a lisp? That's unthinkable!

Did you know the captain of the Titanic had a lisp? That's unthinkable!   Inception
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