
I love niggers That's racist bro wat

I love niggers That's racist bro wat  Inception

what did you say his name was . . david kerr swear he killed a man

what did you say his name was . . david kerr swear he killed a man  Inception

Spamming facebook with insipid inspirational quotes doesn't make you deep You sound annoyed

Spamming facebook with insipid inspirational quotes doesn't make you deep You sound annoyed   Inception

the Next vocabulary word definition is... "The establishment or starting point of something; the beginning." Take your time, I know this one is rough. Inception?

the Next vocabulary word definition is...

Is Robin Van Persie the best striker in the premiership? No. Rooney and Chicharito are better

Is Robin Van Persie the best striker in the premiership? No.  Rooney and Chicharito are better   Inception

Wanna play cod? Idk maybe, I might be finger blasting Jessie

Wanna play cod? Idk maybe, I might be finger blasting Jessie    Inception

did you see dave wang's face when he was hazing fak? no, what did it look like?

did you see dave wang's face when he was hazing fak? no, what did it look like?  Inception

Our robot hits every shot it takes and balances every match our scouting says you haven't moved yet

Our robot hits every shot it takes and balances every match our scouting says you haven't moved yet   Inception

No hoodies in class youre disrupting the learning! But you dont even wear a uniform, surely thats more disrupting?

No hoodies in class youre disrupting the learning! But you dont even wear a uniform, surely thats more disrupting?   Inception

You know george school has a thriving international community oh really? what do the students look like?

You know george school has a thriving international community oh really? what do the students look like?   Inception
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