
your daughter's vagina tastes like - yes - tilapia, i know! Can we move on to the next subject - namely, why you're fucking around with my dreams?!?

your daughter's vagina
like - yes - tilapia, i know! 
Can we move on to the next subject  - namely, why you're fucking around with my dreams?!?  Inception

There's a booger on your face... IS there now... Whats the problem now? Caption 4 goes here

There's a booger on your face... IS there now... Whats the problem now? Caption 4 goes here  Inception

We have RCE on your website and? apache is chrooted and php is hardened... We need to go deeper

We have RCE on your website and? apache is chrooted and php is hardened... We need to go deeper  Inception

I specialize in a very special type of security Chastity belts?

I specialize in a very special type of security Chastity belts?  Inception

Thanks for inviting me up to Tech for the weekend, let's find some sluts! Sluts? What are these sluts you speak of?

Thanks for inviting me up to Tech for the weekend, let's find some sluts! Sluts? What are these sluts you speak of?   Inception

Did you hear what happened in deyo? yeah apparently ninjas live on campus.

Did you hear what happened in deyo? yeah apparently ninjas live on campus.   Inception

I did so bad on that test. I got a D. How did you do? Oh man, I did really bad too. I got an A-.

I did so bad on that test. I got a D. How did you do? Oh man, I did really bad too. I got an A-.    Inception

Have you picked where you want to live this year? I put down Randall as my first choice

Have you picked where you want to live this year? I put down Randall as my first choice   Inception

You love peanut butter dont you? Not worried about aflatoxin? I'll never let go, jack

You love peanut butter dont you? Not worried about aflatoxin? I'll never let go, jack  Inception

I'm rob green from marketing no, you're dom cobb, and you're here to implant the idea to break up my fathers empire so you can see your kids

I'm rob green from marketing no, you're dom cobb, and you're here to implant the idea to break up my fathers empire so you can see your kids   Inception
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