Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves the 9/10/11 posts are coming

Brace yourselves
the 9/10/11 posts 
are coming  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves The New Years Resolution posts are coming.

Brace yourselves The New Years Resolution posts are coming.  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves The notifications are coming

Brace yourselves The notifications are coming  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves Quitters New Year Party is coming

Brace yourselves
New Year Party is coming    Imminent Ned

The where did the summer go POSTS ARE COMING

The where did the summer go POSTS ARE COMING  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves The Apartment Hunt is Coming

Brace yourselves
The Apartment Hunt 
is Coming  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves The Christmas noobs are Prestiging

Brace yourselves The Christmas noobs are Prestiging  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves Teenagers claiming to love the Beastie Boys are coming

Brace yourselves
Teenagers claiming to love the Beastie Boys are coming  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves posts about what people won in McDonalds Monopoly is coming.

Brace yourselves
posts about what people won in McDonalds Monopoly is coming.  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves you know what's coming

Brace yourselves
you know what's 
coming  Imminent Ned
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