Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves Thursday is Purple shirt day.

Brace yourselves
Thursday is Purple
shirt day.  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves the unamusing posts are coming

Brace yourselves
the unamusing posts are coming  Imminent Ned

Brace your bladder a sneeze is coming

Brace your bladder

a sneeze is coming  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves, the new Eddard Stark memes are coming!

Brace yourselves, the new Eddard Stark memes are coming!  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves the Uptokes are coming

Brace yourselves
the Uptokes 
are coming  Imminent Ned

'Tis about damn time

'Tis about damn time  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves The summer 2012 posts are coming

Brace yourselves The summer 2012 posts are coming  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves Crawford is coming

Brace yourselves Crawford is coming  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves Colorado will be smoking like a chimney, but ooooohhh in the best kind of way

Brace yourselves Colorado will be smoking like a chimney, but ooooohhh in the best kind of way  Imminent Ned

Brace yourselves the Thunder and Lightning Posts are coming

Brace yourselves
the Thunder and 
Lightning Posts 
are coming  Imminent Ned
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