Idiot Nerd Girl

Carl Sagan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are my heroes Has never seen a single episode of Cosmos or Nova

Carl Sagan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are my heroes Has never seen a single episode of Cosmos or Nova  Idiot Nerd Girl

hey are you going to see that new nerd movie? it's called star wars: phantom menace

hey are you going to see that new nerd movie? it's called star wars: phantom menace  Idiot Nerd Girl

I always watch Anime! Pokemon's my favorite!

I always watch Anime! Pokemon's my favorite!  Idiot Nerd Girl

I'm such a nerd i played call of duty on a wii one time

I'm such a nerd i played call of duty on a wii one time  Idiot Nerd Girl

claims to love lord of the rings can't figure out why people on /r/trees refer to one another as an "ent"

claims to love lord of the rings can't figure out why people on /r/trees refer to one another as an

i love zelda it,s my favorite hero

i love zelda  it,s my favorite hero  Idiot Nerd Girl

I ate a cracker It was actually diahrreah juice

I ate a cracker It was actually diahrreah juice  Idiot Nerd Girl

"I love sci-fi" Has seen Paul

"I'm such a trekkie!" "captain kirk? oh, you mean chris pine!"

Computer games are my favorite Farmville

Computer games are my favorite Farmville   Idiot Nerd Girl
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