Idiot Nerd Girl

adoro games soh jogo fifa

adoro games soh jogo fifa  Idiot Nerd Girl

i am totally a gamer haven't you seen my facebook?

i am totally a gamer haven't you seen my facebook?  Idiot Nerd Girl

Recently acquires glasses i'm such a geek!

Recently acquires glasses i'm such a geek!   Idiot Nerd Girl

Star Fox 64 I cant believe they made 64 of them

Star Fox 64 I cant believe they made 64 of them  Idiot Nerd Girl

Wobbufett? Oh like from star wars!

Wobbufett? Oh like from star wars!  Idiot Nerd Girl

knows all the robins doesn't need to prove it to you

knows all the robins doesn't need to prove it to you  Idiot Nerd Girl

Knows how to optimise a build Wouldn't let you touch her dice bag

Knows how to optimise a build Wouldn't let you touch her dice bag  Idiot Nerd Girl

I don't like the big bang theory It makes fun of us nerds.

I don't like the big bang theory It makes fun of us nerds.  Idiot Nerd Girl

Histrionic personality disorder

Histrionic personality disorder  Idiot Nerd Girl

Says she loves dubstep has only listened to skrillex

Says she loves dubstep has only listened to skrillex  Idiot Nerd Girl
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