Idiot Nerd Girl

"I'm the best nerd baker ever! Try my cupcakes!" They taste like shit.

"I love marvel! Batman is the best." timing how long it takes you to realize she's fucking with you

Goes to Ravenholm and kills everything with a crowbar IT'S A TRAP

Goes to Ravenholm and kills everything with a crowbar IT'S A TRAP  Idiot Nerd Girl

I love japanese culture has never seen a kurosawa film

I love japanese culture has never seen a kurosawa film  Idiot Nerd Girl


I AM SO RETRO! WHAT'S A NES?  Idiot Nerd Girl

im so meh and random just found out im actually a virgin

im so meh and random just found out im actually a virgin  Idiot Nerd Girl

nintendonat? i'm pretty sure it's just called nintendo

nintendonat? i'm pretty sure it's just called nintendo  Idiot Nerd Girl

OMG I'm such a nerd! Marries an Ops guy to make it look legit.

OMG I'm such a nerd! Marries an Ops guy to make it look legit.  Idiot Nerd Girl

i love the original star wars trilogy Han stepping on Jabba's tail is pure comic genius

i love the original star wars trilogy Han stepping on Jabba's tail is pure comic genius  Idiot Nerd Girl

I am totally a gamer sims

I am totally a gamer sims  Idiot Nerd Girl
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