Idiot Nerd Girl

wants to read more batman comics is run off by sexist assholes

wants to read more batman comics is run off by sexist assholes  Idiot Nerd Girl

spying for the cheerleaders she will bring back critical data, which they will use to, um, write cheers about video games, i guess.

spying for the cheerleaders she will bring back critical data, which they will use to, um, write cheers about video games, i guess.  Idiot Nerd Girl

Isn't asking for your permission to preach at you all day long

Isn't asking for your permission to preach at you all day long  Idiot Nerd Girl

i love specially device animals

i love specially device animals  Idiot Nerd Girl

zelda? omg i love him!

zelda? omg i love him!  Idiot Nerd Girl

Watched brother playing GTA:San Andreas one time "OMG everyone i love playing old video games!!"

Watched brother playing GTA:San Andreas one time

   Idiot Nerd Girl

I am totally a Scientist Sucks at calculating volume

I am totally a Scientist Sucks at calculating volume  Idiot Nerd Girl

I code Java Script

I code Java Script  Idiot Nerd Girl

This has nothing to do with yousaf but fuck you yousaf

This has nothing to do with yousaf but fuck you yousaf  Idiot Nerd Girl
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