Idiot Nerd Girl

portal is my favorite game nintendo really outdid themselves

portal is my favorite game nintendo really outdid themselves  Idiot Nerd Girl

"I design video games and write award winning fanfiction and all the boys and girls find me attractive and I play all the tabletop games and I build kickass computers and I read more comics and books than you and..." You forgot to put "This troper" at the

Here to stay until it's time for jersey shore

Here to stay until it's time for jersey shore  Idiot Nerd Girl

Full Metal Alchemist? SOunds like a cool band!

Full Metal Alchemist? SOunds like a cool band!  Idiot Nerd Girl

I love anime Only watches the ones by 4kids

I love anime Only watches the 
ones by 4kids  Idiot Nerd Girl

So i watched trek wars or something this weekend I love jedi spok!

So i watched trek wars or something this weekend  I love jedi spok!  Idiot Nerd Girl

I bought a pikachu shirt i know all about pokemon now

I bought a pikachu shirt i know all about pokemon now  Idiot Nerd Girl

"You're all my nerd-homies, we're all besties. We'll kick some GameCube and drink some malt liquor in Mountain Dew Baja Blast like old times." That's great but this is a fraternity meeting. Literally.

"I'm the best gamer ever!" Tries to play the wii with the TV remote

Doesn't interpret your favorite media the same way you do ruins everything

Doesn't interpret your favorite media the same way you do ruins everything  Idiot Nerd Girl
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