Idiot Nerd Girl

my favourite 'star trek' captain? john luke picard

my favourite 'star trek' captain? john luke picard  Idiot Nerd Girl

My favorite character on Star Wars is Luke Skywalker. His jedi name is Anakin.

My favorite character on Star Wars is Luke Skywalker. His jedi name is Anakin.   Idiot Nerd Girl


i love call of duty I'm such a pro camper

i love call of duty I'm such a pro camper  Idiot Nerd Girl

OMG! I love playing farming zombies God, I'm such a nerd

OMG! I love playing farming zombies God, I'm such a nerd  Idiot Nerd Girl

Omg i'm such a gamer played mario kart for half an hour once

Omg i'm such a gamer played mario kart for half an hour once  Idiot Nerd Girl

omg i am a finnish meme expert spurdo, you mean the walrus guy?

omg i am a finnish meme expert spurdo, you mean the walrus guy?  Idiot Nerd Girl

I know what it's like to be addicted to the internet I have a tumblr

I know what it's like to be addicted to the internet I have a tumblr  Idiot Nerd Girl

once went around back garden with metal detector "archeology"

once went around back garden with metal detector

Reads that she pronounces "meme" Wrong googles "how to pronounce meme"

Reads that she pronounces
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