Hysterically Psycho Mom

Buys son a happy meal Barbie toy please

Buys son a happy meal Barbie toy please  Hysterically Psycho Mom

suck it, loser! I don't have to wear a helmet!

suck it, loser! I don't have to wear a helmet!  Hysterically Psycho Mom

and then i told him if you eat your broccoli you grow up big and strong.

and then i told him if you eat your broccoli you grow up big and strong.   Hysterically Psycho Mom

And then i told him his dog went to live on a farm

And then i told him his dog went to live on a farm  Hysterically Psycho Mom

HE asked if we could go to toys-r-us I said "maybe!"

HE asked if we could go to toys-r-us I said

He wanted a Transformer Got him a Gobot

He wanted a
 Got him a Gobot  Hysterically Psycho Mom

Makes son wear a helmet Steal bike and ride away without a helmet

Makes son wear a helmet Steal bike and ride away without a helmet  Hysterically Psycho Mom

HE said he needed crayola for school so i got him roseart

HE said he needed crayola for school so i got him roseart   Hysterically Psycho Mom

I promised pizza for dinner But I made it instead of ordering it from domino's

I promised pizza for dinner But I made it instead of ordering it from domino's  Hysterically Psycho Mom

I told him that we were going to get a puppy i bought him a goldfish instead

I told him that we were going to get a puppy i bought him a goldfish instead  Hysterically Psycho Mom
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