Humanities Professor

You'll leave my class markedly better at bullshitting

You'll leave my class markedly better at bullshitting  Humanities Professor

assigns 200 pages of reading per week exams only on lectures

assigns 200 pages of reading per week exams only on lectures  Humanities Professor

says there are no set due dates on papers starts bitching when no one turns in anything.

says there are no set due dates on papers starts bitching when no one turns in anything.  Humanities Professor

"Some students have told me this assignment took them up to eight hours." Due next class.

Takes attendance at lecture that counts for grade none of lecture info is necessary for the paper

Takes attendance at lecture that counts for grade none of lecture info is necessary for the paper  Humanities Professor

Lectures students to be part of the community lives in madison

Lectures students to be part of the community lives in madison  Humanities Professor

Words, pathetic cunt your best mate is B.O.B

Words, pathetic cunt your best mate is B.O.B  Humanities Professor

Every variety of every language is an equally precious snowflake If you have typographical, grammatical, spelling or style errors in your assignment, your grade will be reduced.

Every variety of every language is an equally precious snowflake If you have typographical, grammatical, spelling or style errors in your assignment,
your grade will be reduced.  Humanities Professor

I make a living Teaching you the techniques of great people who received no formal education.

I make a living Teaching you the techniques of great people who received no formal education.  Humanities Professor

Overall Grade composed of 3 essays and you receive B+, A-, and A- B+ in the class

Overall Grade composed of 3 essays and you receive B+, A-, and A- B+ in the class  Humanities Professor
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