Humanities Professor

Lists latest edition textbook on syllabus Refers to 10 year old edition on the first day of class

Lists latest edition textbook on syllabus Refers to 10 year old edition on the first day of class  Humanities Professor

published 7 times can't remember to zip up pants

published 7 times can't remember to zip up pants  Humanities Professor

whenever you go to office hours he is typing emails takes 3 weeks to reply to your emails

whenever you go to office hours he is typing emails takes 3 weeks to reply to your emails  Humanities Professor

"Here are course evaluations, be as honest as you can be" Neglects to give scantron, hands out writing prompt instead

mhmmmmm.... nice bitta yuss!!!!

mhmmmmm.... nice bitta yuss!!!!  Humanities Professor

I wanted my students to have a strong opinion So I gave them mine

I wanted my students to have a strong opinion So I gave them mine  Humanities Professor

It's important for students to voice their opinions Unless they're republicans

It's important for students to voice their opinions Unless they're republicans  Humanities Professor

Scoffs at Family Guy Makes obscure references all day

Scoffs at Family Guy Makes obscure references all day  Humanities Professor

Class had trouble with Faulkner Assigns Ulysses

Class had trouble with Faulkner Assigns Ulysses  Humanities Professor

Drinks from sketch water bottle Whole class knows what's in it.

Drinks from sketch water bottle Whole class knows what's in it.   Humanities Professor
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