Hipster Feminist

"Let's SMash the patriarchy!" oh hiiiii guy, um do you have like, a sledgehammer i could borrow? i'm not really good with tools tee hee. wow it's heavy!!! what? i can just keep it? awwwww you're such a sweetie! kisses ;-*

sexual liberation a lifetime of crippling intimacy issues

sexual liberation a lifetime of crippling intimacy issues  Hipster Feminist

never wants kids saving her womb for jon stewart or bill maher

never wants kids saving her womb for jon stewart or bill maher  Hipster Feminist

Keep your government hands off my body Unless you're giving me birth control

Keep your government hands off my body Unless you're giving me birth control  Hipster Feminist

pro choice ridicules women who choose to have a family

pro choice ridicules women who choose to have a family  Hipster Feminist

Does not tolerate fat shaming Shames everyone for consuming high fructose corn syrup

Does not tolerate fat shaming Shames everyone for consuming high fructose corn syrup  Hipster Feminist

A man tells her she's hot and wants to buy her a drink. He must be a creepy rapist. Tries to make out with another woman and gets rejected. She must be a prude and a homophobe.

A man tells her she's hot and wants to buy her a drink.  He must be a creepy rapist. Tries to make out with another woman and gets rejected.  She must be a prude and a homophobe.  Hipster Feminist

I fight for women's rights by blogging about being asked for coffee in an elevator

I fight for women's rights by blogging about being asked for coffee in an elevator  Hipster Feminist

Drives SUV to Walmart To buy 'Free Trade' coffee

Drives SUV to Walmart To buy 'Free Trade' coffee  Hipster Feminist

complains that men don't respect women gets mad when a man holds a door open for her

complains that men don't respect women gets mad when a man holds a door open for her  Hipster Feminist
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