Hipster Barista

Wishes you happy birthday on facebook Makes it a meme because writing on walls is mainstream

Wishes you happy birthday on facebook Makes it a meme because writing on walls is mainstream  Hipster Barista

I liked dubstep Before it was cool.

I liked dubstep Before it was cool.  Hipster Barista

Tracksploitation are finalist for the Ironcity sound contest? Sell outs

Tracksploitation are finalist for the Ironcity sound contest? Sell outs  Hipster Barista

I watched Adventure Time when it was on nicktoons network but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

I watched Adventure Time when it was on nicktoons network but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?  Hipster Barista

I deleted my Instagram Before the privacy issue

I deleted my Instagram  Before the privacy issue  Hipster Barista


MA URI! ZI? JO!  Hipster Barista

we got nike pro combat before it was cool

we got nike pro combat before it was cool  Hipster Barista

Works at: *bux "only supports local businesses"

Works at: *bux

I sold my 240 to buy a cressida

I sold my 240 to buy a cressida  Hipster Barista

I was dressing for the winter Before it was cool

I was dressing for the winter  Before it was cool  Hipster Barista
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