Hipster Barista

Won't download free boog album on bandcamp Paid nothing for In Rainbows

Won't download free boog album on bandcamp Paid nothing for
In Rainbows  Hipster Barista

finally gets twitter says "pound" instead of "hashtag"

finally gets twitter says

Buying birthday cards Too Mainstream

Buying birthday cards  Too Mainstream   Hipster Barista

Rooster sauce? Clearly you've never heard of sriracha.

Rooster sauce? Clearly you've never heard of sriracha.  Hipster Barista

Designs posters for beirut OH that? My real hobby is re-illuminating 14th century bibles

Designs posters for beirut OH that?
My real hobby is re-illuminating 14th century bibles  Hipster Barista

i said steve jobs was a genius before he was dead

i said steve jobs was a genius before he was dead  Hipster Barista

Made Fun of kim jong-il Before he was dead

Made Fun of kim jong-il Before he was dead  Hipster Barista

had throwback jordans before they were throwbacks

had throwback jordans before they were throwbacks  Hipster Barista

"I was a hipster Before it was cool"

You haven't heard of the catheRAGE I've known of it for months.

You haven't heard of the catheRAGE I've known of it for months.  Hipster Barista
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