Hipster Barista

I started with a meki pendant as gangplank before it was cool

I started with a meki pendant as gangplank  before it was cool  Hipster Barista

Favourite led zeppelin song? trampled before cool

Favourite led zeppelin song? trampled before cool  Hipster Barista

Hates mainstream fashion, says it's not cool enough Shops at thrift stores, buys pants 5in too short that can fit a 12 yr old

Hates mainstream fashion, says it's not cool enough Shops at thrift stores, buys pants 5in too short that can fit a 12 yr old  Hipster Barista

Do you even thrift?

 Do you even thrift?  Hipster Barista

I'll be taking my talents to Oxford, ohio this fall

I'll be taking my talents to Oxford, ohio this fall  Hipster Barista

I wear a scarf during the day... before the air becomes cool http://xQ9.us

I wear a scarf during the day... before the air becomes cool http://xQ9.us  Hipster Barista

lives in ohio owns a surfboard http://xq9.us

lives in ohio owns a surfboard http://xq9.us  Hipster Barista

Downvotes own posts To avoid front page

Downvotes own posts To avoid front page  Hipster Barista

Has all The pokemans

Has all The pokemans  Hipster Barista

it was much better in the original japanese doesn't read japanese

it was much better in the original japanese doesn't read japanese  Hipster Barista
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