Hipster Barista

claims to be openly bisexual thinks kissing guys is yucky

claims to be openly bisexual thinks kissing guys is yucky  Hipster Barista

I ate lunch at Amy's Place before it became mainstream

I ate lunch at Amy's Place before it became mainstream  Hipster Barista

Asks if saw the local band poster on the wall Offers Dave Matthews Band album for sale at the register

Asks if saw the local band poster on the wall Offers Dave Matthews Band album for sale at the register   Hipster Barista

I hate all these boob memes I'm into side boob memes

I hate all these boob memes I'm into side boob memes  Hipster Barista

Complains about working at a coffee shop Major in medieval literature

Complains about working at a coffee shop Major in medieval literature  Hipster Barista

bro, I've been using macs since before hipsters and ironic facial hair existed. and I hate PBR.

 bro, I've been using macs since before hipsters and ironic facial hair existed. and I hate PBR.  Hipster Barista

Anderson High school memes? Kill me now

Anderson High school memes? Kill me now  Hipster Barista

talks about how open minded he is is the most judgmental person you know

talks about how open minded he is is the most judgmental person you know  Hipster Barista

Gets $120,000 liberal arts degree Draws hearts in coffee

Gets $120,000 liberal arts degree Draws hearts in coffee   Hipster Barista

I like mainstream because hating mainstream is to mainstream

I like mainstream  because hating mainstream is to mainstream  Hipster Barista
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