Hipster Barista

I mocked hipsters Before it was cool

I mocked hipsters Before it was cool  Hipster Barista

I said METRO-sexual

I said  METRO-sexual  Hipster Barista

"Frappe"? You mean "Ice Blended" We don't do starbucks lingo here

I had a crush on Zooey Deschanel Before "New Girl"

I had a crush on Zooey Deschanel Before

Opens music blog tshirt store online by American Apparel : Charges 30 dollars

Opens music blog tshirt  store online by American Apparel : Charges 30 dollars   Hipster Barista

I can't work on anything but apple. I'm creative! Did you want whip cream on that mocha?

I can't work on anything but apple.  I'm creative! Did you want whip cream on that mocha?  Hipster Barista


 portlandia  Hipster Barista

Went to a Waldorf School Before it was cool

Went to a Waldorf School
 Before it was cool  Hipster Barista

Knew about Slenderman before slender was realeased

Knew about Slenderman before slender was realeased  Hipster Barista

Political views: Conservative

Political views: Conservative  Hipster Barista
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