High Standards Asian Girl

I'M FAT AND UGLY I'm going to record videos of myself

I'M FAT AND UGLY I'm going to record videos of myself  High Standards Asian Girl

Penetration isn't good enough for me I require double penetration

Penetration isn't good enough for me I require double penetration  High Standards Asian Girl

Penetration isn't good enough for me I require double penetration

Penetration isn't good enough for me I require double penetration  High Standards Asian Girl

My eyes don't match bor do my breasts

My eyes don't match bor do my breasts  High Standards Asian Girl

i'm not racist i only date white people

i'm not racist i only date white people  High Standards Asian Girl

What am I looking for a life partner? It's simple. be rich and be white. Is that too much to ask?

What am I looking for a life partner? It's simple. be rich and be white. Is that too much to ask?  High Standards Asian Girl

I only date guys who are rich because i'm a princess

I only date guys who are rich because i'm a princess  High Standards Asian Girl

i don't face my problems... I facebook my problems and wait for all the guys to rescue the damsel in distress

i don't face my problems... I facebook my problems and wait for all the guys to rescue the damsel in distress  High Standards Asian Girl

My eyes don't match nor do my breasts

My eyes don't match nor do my breasts  High Standards Asian Girl

I am not high maintenance Just liquor me up and buy me sushi and you got yourself a happy ending

I am not high maintenance Just liquor me up and buy me sushi and you got yourself a happy ending  High Standards Asian Girl
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