High School Freshman

Hangs out with sophomores Thinks it makes him cool

Hangs out with sophomores Thinks it makes him cool  High School Freshman

"I run these hallways, bitch" Doesn't know where music room is

Takes girl on date mom drives

Takes girl on date mom drives  High School Freshman

says "penis" laughs hysterically


Sees an NSfw link at home doesn't click it

Sees an NSfw link at home doesn't click it  High School Freshman

Dude, my teacher is such a liberal/conservative I can't stand it is politically whatever his parents are

Dude, my teacher is such a liberal/conservative I can't stand it is politically whatever his parents are  High School Freshman

High school is so hard they give homework on weekends

High school is so hard they give homework on weekends  High School Freshman

High-fives a girl gets a boner

High-fives a girl gets a boner  High School Freshman

Buys an ounce of stems

Buys an ounce of stems  High School Freshman

grinds with girl at school dance "i got so much pussy"

grinds with girl at school dance
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