High Expectations Asian Father

NBA STAR? Why not naa star?

NBA STAR? Why not naa star?  High Expectations Asian Father

You want to play basketball? Go to Harvard first, then we'll talk

You want to play basketball? Go to Harvard first, then we'll talk  High Expectations Asian Father

G+? Make it A+!

G+? Make it A+!  High Expectations Asian Father

Getting a C-Section? Why not A+Section?

Getting a C-Section? Why not A+Section?  High Expectations Asian Father

40k scholarship? why not 100

40k scholarship? why not 100  High Expectations Asian Father

ADHD? Why not AAAA?

ADHD? Why not AAAA?  High Expectations Asian Father

B-School? Why not A-School?

B-School? Why not  
A-School?  High Expectations Asian Father

Final mark of 88? Why so low?

Final mark of 88? Why so low?  High Expectations Asian Father

You got 1880 on sat? you disgrace the family

You got 1880 on sat? you disgrace the family  High Expectations Asian Father

You datin' my daughter? U better watch out

You datin' my daughter? U better watch out  High Expectations Asian Father
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