High Expectations Asian Father

Doctor P Why Not Doctor A

Doctor P Why Not Doctor A  High Expectations Asian Father

You watch Dragon ball z? why not dragon ball a?

You watch  Dragon ball z? why not dragon ball a?  High Expectations Asian Father

Atheist? Why not A+heist?

Atheist? Why not A+heist?  High Expectations Asian Father

Hepatitis C? Why not Hepatitis A+?

Hepatitis C? Why not Hepatitis A+?  High Expectations Asian Father

You need Carbon and Fluorine in your body? Why not As?

You need Carbon and Fluorine in your body? Why not As?  High Expectations Asian Father

You Harvard grad and NBA Star? I call you son now.

You Harvard grad and NBA Star? I call you son now.   High Expectations Asian Father

My son pray musician in Good/Bad/Worse Advice? Y U no improvise doctor?

My son pray musician in Good/Bad/Worse Advice? Y U no improvise doctor?  High Expectations Asian Father

daylight savings time? 1 more hour to study

daylight savings time? 1 more hour to study  High Expectations Asian Father

you want to play badminton? why not goodminton?

you want to play badminton? why not goodminton?  High Expectations Asian Father


HAPPY B-DAY? HERE YOUR PRESENT: I DISOWN YOU  High Expectations Asian Father
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