High Expectations Asian Father

Why you get nowag'd i not get nowag'd in asia

Why you get nowag'd i not get nowag'd in asia  High Expectations Asian Father

You doctor yet? Call me when Doctor.

You doctor yet? Call me when Doctor.  High Expectations Asian Father

Manager of the year? Why not C.E.O. yet?

Manager of the year? Why not C.E.O. yet?  High Expectations Asian Father

PROPHET Why you no read this?!

PROPHET Why you no read this?!  High Expectations Asian Father

my dick's so hard why no so easy? go study more!

my dick's so hard why no so easy? go study more!  High Expectations Asian Father

Tried to make a funny post You fail

Tried to make a funny post You fail  High Expectations Asian Father

2 Karma why not 2000 karma

2 Karma why not 2000 karma  High Expectations Asian Father

Ivy Bridge? Why no Ivy League?

Ivy Bridge? Why no Ivy League?  High Expectations Asian Father

you get stung by bee? why you no get stung by a?

you get stung by bee? why you no get stung by a?  High Expectations Asian Father

my father was a kamikaze pilot and died of old age he was a shit kamikaze pilot

my father was a kamikaze pilot and died of old age he was a shit kamikaze pilot  High Expectations Asian Father
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