High Expectations Asian Father

you make Camaro5 meme thread fall short and disappoint me, again

you make Camaro5 meme thread fall short and disappoint me, again  High Expectations Asian Father

you got b?? You dead to me now!!!!

you got b?? You dead to me now!!!!  High Expectations Asian Father

You got L99??!! Why you not get L100?

You got L99??!! Why you not get L100?  High Expectations Asian Father


B? GTFO   High Expectations Asian Father

we not come all the way to america for aa+

we not come all the way to america for aa+  High Expectations Asian Father

you joined triple A? you should have joined AAAA+++!

you joined triple A? you should have  joined AAAA+++!  High Expectations Asian Father

The game You lostr it

The game You lostr it  High Expectations Asian Father

Nicolaus y u say u azn when u no good at school

Nicolaus y u say u azn when u no good at school  High Expectations Asian Father

vp activities that will meet all my expectations? aimee gunter

vp activities that will meet all my expectations? aimee gunter  High Expectations Asian Father

There is no lesson in my story. Only lies

There is no lesson in my story. Only lies  High Expectations Asian Father
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