High Expectations Asian Father

fuck you kevin chao

fuck you kevin chao   High Expectations Asian Father

U jelly? Y No a jelly?!

U jelly? Y No a jelly?!  High Expectations Asian Father

Here some shoelace, go forest come back when you lawyer

Here some shoelace, go forest come back when you lawyer  High Expectations Asian Father

Found bin laden in Abbottabad? Why not AAAotabad?!

Found bin laden in Abbottabad? Why not AAAotabad?!  High Expectations Asian Father

you're just kid, kid

you're just kid, kid  High Expectations Asian Father

A negative blood type? why not a+?

A negative blood type? why not a+?  High Expectations Asian Father

Go to church every sunday? Go to church every day.

Go to church every sunday? Go to church every day.  High Expectations Asian Father

You bisexual? Why not asexu... nevermind

You bisexual? Why not asexu... nevermind  High Expectations Asian Father

Dove headfirst into wall for foul ball, and carried off the field on a stretcher. You no walk? I am disappoint.

Dove headfirst into wall for foul ball, and carried off the field on a stretcher. You no walk? I am disappoint.  High Expectations Asian Father

You don't like reading books? Read more books

You don't like reading books? Read more books  High Expectations Asian Father
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