High Expectations Asian Father

Niagara University Y U no make me food that doesn't make me shit myself.

Niagara University Y U no make me food that doesn't make me shit myself.  High Expectations Asian Father

Second place in science fair? You first loser!

Second place in science fair? You first loser!  High Expectations Asian Father

You have A.D.D.? Why not A.A.A.?

You have A.D.D.? Why not A.A.A.?  High Expectations Asian Father

You tell jokes on C-SPAN? Why not on A-SPAN!

You tell jokes on C-SPAN? Why not on A-SPAN!  High Expectations Asian Father

swift as the coursing river force of a great typhoon strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon BUT STILL NOT DOCTOR

swift as the coursing river
force of a great typhoon
strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon BUT STILL NOT DOCTOR  High Expectations Asian Father

You want to be a physician? Why not michio kaku?

You want to be a physician? Why not michio kaku?  High Expectations Asian Father

WHATS BNAL? you should be doing anal!

WHATS BNAL? you should be doing anal!  High Expectations Asian Father

sail the seven seas? should be the seven a's!

sail the seven seas? should be the seven a's!  High Expectations Asian Father


 No.  High Expectations Asian Father

You went to see B movie why not A movie

You went to see B movie why not A movie  High Expectations Asian Father
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