High Expectations Asian Father

BTEC? you no longer my son

BTEC? you no longer my son  High Expectations Asian Father

You play B-League Intramural Why no A-League ?

You play B-League Intramural Why no A-League ?  High Expectations Asian Father

You got an A+? You could have done better Like A sumbodie

You got an A+? You could have done better Like
A sumbodie  High Expectations Asian Father

Ten Steps? Why not 15 Steps?

Ten Steps? Why not 15 Steps?  High Expectations Asian Father

hory shit impossibru

hory shit  impossibru  High Expectations Asian Father

So we meet again Old man fisher man

So we meet again Old man fisher man  High Expectations Asian Father

You play in the band AC/DC? Why not AA/AA

You play in the band AC/DC? Why not AA/AA  High Expectations Asian Father

I not come to this counrty so you could go to community college

I not come to this counrty so you could go to community college  High Expectations Asian Father

Even your last name must nguyen

Even your last name must nguyen  High Expectations Asian Father

Masters? Why not PhD?

Masters? Why not PhD?  High Expectations Asian Father
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