High Expectations Asian Father

stop thinking be good asian! for yourself!

stop thinking be good asian! for yourself!  High Expectations Asian Father

You get b? Get out of the house!

You get b? Get out of the house!  High Expectations Asian Father

Karate kid? How about study kid

Karate kid? How about study kid  High Expectations Asian Father

Dropping Honors Geo? Why not drop Lunch instead?

Dropping Honors Geo? Why not drop Lunch instead?  High Expectations Asian Father

don't judge a book by its cover

don't judge a book by its cover  High Expectations Asian Father

Finished studying? memorize it backwords

Finished studying? memorize it backwords  High Expectations Asian Father

realizes pat is weasels cousin backs off

realizes pat is weasels cousin backs off  High Expectations Asian Father

You want PS3 for a B+? Only PS you get is: Good Luck PS You not my son anymore

You want PS3 for a B+? Only PS you get is: Good Luck
PS You not my son anymore  High Expectations Asian Father

to be or not to be? how about to a or not to a?

to be or not to be? how about to a or not to a?  High Expectations Asian Father

Picking up one dead body? In my day we picked up two

Picking up one dead body? In my day we picked up two  High Expectations Asian Father
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