High Expectations Asian Father

Beedrill? releases.

Beedrill? releases.  High Expectations Asian Father

your TI-84 uses AAA's? GOOD!

your TI-84 uses AAA's? GOOD!  High Expectations Asian Father

You have sex with penis? Why not have sex with a...NEVERMIND

You have sex with penis? Why not have sex with a...NEVERMIND  High Expectations Asian Father

why spend money on haircut? get bowl and scissors on table.

why spend money on haircut?  get bowl and scissors on table.  High Expectations Asian Father

Finished with finals? Prepare for next semester

Finished with finals? Prepare for next semester  High Expectations Asian Father

You get A+ Certification? Grood

You get A+ Certification? Grood  High Expectations Asian Father

Oh, You Want PS3? How About PhD?

Oh, You Want PS3? How About PhD?  High Expectations Asian Father

You use googe? Y Not Google+?

You use googe? Y Not Google+?  High Expectations Asian Father

Your Name Jeremy Lin? Why Your name not jeremy win?

Your Name Jeremy Lin? Why Your name not jeremy win?  High Expectations Asian Father

School Not For Everyone? But School is for every Wong!

School Not For Everyone? But School is for every Wong!  High Expectations Asian Father
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