High Expectations Asian Father


ZHERHUI Y U REBLOG SO MUCH  High Expectations Asian Father

You're only fifteen? Why not a-teen?

You're only fifteen? Why not a-teen?  High Expectations Asian Father

You listen to FM radio!? Why not AM radio!?

You listen to FM radio!? Why not AM radio!?  High Expectations Asian Father

pull out in front of him Keys your car

pull out in front of him Keys your car  High Expectations Asian Father

43? Why not 100?

43? Why not 100?  High Expectations Asian Father

High on pot Standing on toilet

High on pot Standing on toilet  High Expectations Asian Father

What you fapping to? better be algebra!

What you fapping to? better be algebra!  High Expectations Asian Father

Roses are red, violets are blue I've got Alzheimer's cheese on toast

Roses are red, 
violets are blue 
 I've got Alzheimer's 
cheese on toast  High Expectations Asian Father

You major in AAE? Why not AAA??

You major in AAE? Why not AAA??  High Expectations Asian Father

you watch dragonball z? why not dragonball a+?

you watch dragonball z? why not dragonball a+?  High Expectations Asian Father
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