High Expectations Asian Father

Are you listening to Bee Gees? Why not A+ Gees?

Are you listening to Bee Gees? Why not A+ Gees?  High Expectations Asian Father

Happy B-day? why no Happy aday?

Happy B-day? why no Happy aday?  High Expectations Asian Father

Friend call you A Hole Why you no get A+ Hole?

Friend call you A Hole Why you no get A+ Hole?  High Expectations Asian Father

the a-team? yea i loved that movie

the a-team? yea i loved that movie  High Expectations Asian Father

You satisfied with a perfect IB Dilpoma? I need to look at your raw score and you must get perfect on every single test or else...

You satisfied with a perfect IB Dilpoma? I need to look at your raw score and you must get perfect on every single test or else...  High Expectations Asian Father

Nantooooo... Oh Mai Got

Nantooooo... Oh Mai Got  High Expectations Asian Father

You no like ABM?! I send tsunami, keep paint for self

You no like ABM?! I send tsunami, keep paint for self  High Expectations Asian Father

babies? why not eat bay-a's?

babies? why not eat bay-a's?  High Expectations Asian Father

you got green tea? why not green a?!

you got green tea? why not green a?!  High Expectations Asian Father

You don't say sexy. You are not a Cheng.

You don't say sexy. You are not a Cheng.  High Expectations Asian Father
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