High Expectations Asian Father

Court sentenced you to AA? God did too! I'm so proud and ashamed too

Court sentenced you to AA?
 God did too! I'm so proud and ashamed too  High Expectations Asian Father

you need to practice prostate exam? i help you! whatever it take for you to become doctor! ok, let's do this...

you need to practice prostate exam? i help you! whatever it take for you to become doctor! ok, let's do this...  High Expectations Asian Father

You good at BP? Why Not AP?

You good at BP? Why Not AP?  High Expectations Asian Father


SS FASTER THAN '91 Integra GS-R? IMPOSSIBRU!  High Expectations Asian Father

Bloofd type ab+ why not o-

Bloofd type ab+ why not o-  High Expectations Asian Father

B 4 report card? I will proudly display this over your dead mother's portrait to hide her tears of shame

B 4 report card? I will proudly display this over your dead mother's portrait to hide her tears of shame   High Expectations Asian Father

Picture size is super small So is my penis

Picture size is super small So is my penis  High Expectations Asian Father

You half Asian... half failure!

You half Asian... half failure!  High Expectations Asian Father


Pharm.D.? WHY NOT PHARM.A.?  High Expectations Asian Father

you use g+? why not a+?

you use g+? why not a+?  High Expectations Asian Father
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